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"The Day the Angels Cried"
The League of Nations (1930) and the United Nations (1945-2019) failed
to recognize and address the Ethiopian Genocide for the past 74 years. 




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The United Nations has never acknowledged nor addressed Mussolini's mass genocide
in Ethiopia with poison gas sprayed from airplaenes

Ethiopia was the first and only African country that was never colonized by Europeans, and also the first African country to become a member of the 52 Member European League of Nations, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, which guaranteed members protection from aggression from other countries, however, despite the fact that Ethiopia was a member of the League, when Mussolini launched his systematic mass-extermination campaign in Ethiopia, on October 5, 1935, with poisonous gas sprayed from crop-dusting airplanes upon civilian populations far removed from the battlefield, while the League of Nations turned their heads and looked the other way.  On June 30, 1936, the King of Kings of Ethiopia, Emperor Haile Selassie I, traveled to the League of Nations Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland to personally appeal to the League for assistance with halting Mussolini's mass-extermination campaign, or at the very least provide military weapons so that defenseless Ethiopia could defend herself, the League of Nations ignored His Majesty plea and turned their heads and looked the other way,  In 1947, the United Nations arose from the ashes of the League of Nations, and despite the fact that King Haile Selassie I was one of the Founding Fathers of the United Nations, that international body has never acknowledged or addressed Mussolini's  mass-extermination systematic mass extermination campain for the last campaign systematically carried out in Ethiopia from 1935-1941. 
Ethiopian Peace Music -

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